It's Official!
Beach Web Development changed their corporate name in 2009 to Marketing Provisions Inc.
This website only serves some purposes for older clients.
Marketing Provisions, Inc. | Website Design and SEO Company - Myrtle Beach, SC (843) 353-1602
Web Design for Marketing and Advertising Agencies ...
Sometimes we all need help .... you want the best for your customer. We assist other Myrtle Beach marketing firms and Myrtle Beach advertising agencies with developing and designing custom web site applications. We outsource ourselves to brand for other companies. We can work discretely and confidentially. Your client is your client. We strictly implement a non-compete set of rules and will never contact your client for any reason except on your behalf.
We've designed reservation systems for hotels through fishing Charters with automatic credit card payment, full client side web site updating with content management system (CMS), award winning flash animation, fully automated inventory drop shipping online store, audio and video entertainment, social networks, event listings and bookings, and so much more.

Our collaborations have produced extraordinary results by achieving the 2008 Gold and Silver Regional Addy Awards. The collaborations also achieved the Silver at the 2008 Summit International Creative Awards.
$399 Websites
5 web pages including a contact form, automated google map directions, SEO included, search engine submission, google analytics, email and more!
Built into our websites is our content management system, where our clients are able to update their web pages 24/7 with the abililty to add text, images, videos and more!
Not all web browsers are equal ...
We also ensure internet browser compatibility with our website designs ....Our clients will never hear one of their customers say that they couldn't get their website to come up. Our websites conform to all current coding standards. It is important to us to make sure our research and development on these browser standards enables your website to display and act properly when visited. But it also ensures that the search engines can explore and index your web site properly.